Our Teams

  • Available Positions

    Learn more about how you can become involved with The Public Health Record though and internship, co-leading a team, or joining a team!

  • Executive Team

    The Executive Team is responsible for the logistics and operations of The Public Health Record. We advise each team, coordinate meetings, events/workshops, and all business operations.

  • Media Team

    The Media Team manages the social media, website, and tech logistics for events/workshops. They are in charge of photography/videography, as well as editing.

  • Clinical Public Health Team

    The Clinical Public Health team will provide insight on the various clinical public health careers, discuss specific diseases that are common in minority populations, preventive care practices, and more.

  • Pharmacology Team

    The Pharmacology Team will provide insight on medications, their mechanism of action, routes of administration, contraindications, and drug interactions. The team will also convey the importance of following prescription recommendations and instructions. Additionally, they will discuss current gaps in care in pharmacy and various career paths in the field.

  • Nutrition Team

    The Nutrition Team will emphasize the important relationship between diet and health by providing insight on healthy eating, cooking techniques, recipes, resources, and more. The food/nutrition team will educate the public on laws and policies, food assistance programs, and current issues as it relates to food and food access. The team will provide guidance on ways people can help vulnerable and under- represented communities.

  • Fitness Team

    The fitness team will discuss the importance of an active lifestyle by educating on cardiovascular health, strength building, flexibility, and balance. We will demonstrate how you can incorporate these into your daily life to promote longevity and overall well-being. We will provide insight to workouts and techniques for all levels, discuss the various careers in the fitness realm, and more.

  • Healthcare Quality Team

    The Healthcare Quality Management Team is composed of healthcare professionals with extensive knowledge in healthcare quality assurance, management, and related fields. Our goal is to provide guidance on the most effective methods for monitoring, assessing, and optimizing the quality of care, patient safety, and healthcare outcomes. We are dedicated to promoting a culture of continuous improvement and adherence to the best practices in healthcare delivery systems.

  • Health Research Team

    The Health Research Team is a multidisciplinary group of dedicated professionals, including researchers, scientists, data analysts, and support staff, all committed to highlighting the importance of research that addresses critical healthcare questions, helping individuals enter into the field of research, and more. We will work collaboratively with healthcare professionals, academic institutions, and community partners to design, execute, and disseminate research projects that contribute to improving healthcare outcomes.

  • Health Technology Team

    The health technology team will provide insight on the advancements and evolution of many sectors within biotechnology including careers, public health impact, educational journey, and more.

  • Mental Health Team

    The Mental Health Team is a group of compassionate and qualified professionals, including licensed therapists, counselors, social workers, and support staff. We work collaboratively to provide a range of mental health services, including resources for counseling, therapy, crisis intervention, and educational outreach. Our team's approach is holistic, focusing on the mental, emotional, and social aspects of mental health.